HPC Industrial is the nation’s single largest provider of industrial cleaning services to the downstream industry (refining, petro-chemical and power generation). Our downstream services include hydroblasting, tank cleaning, chemical cleaning, wet and dry vacuuming, hydro and pneumatic excavation, grit blasting and paint booth management for the automotive industry. We perform these services for both routine and turnaround maintenance.

Provided primarily to the Downstream industry, HPC Industrial provides an array of highly engineered services. These include reduction technology (complex tank cleaning with solids processing), on-site fixed facility design and operation, vapor control management, leak detection and repair (LDAR), and specialty mechanical services, which include online leak repair, hot tapping, bolting and field machining.

With operations in California, West Texas and the Louisiana Gulf Coast, HPC Industrial is a trusted provider of a broad array of services to the upstream oil and gas industry, including facility abandonment, pumping unit maintenance and vacuum track support as well as tank, vessel and rig cleaning. We also operate a fully licensed NORM and mercury decommissioning yard. At all locations, HPC Industrial is licensed in asbestos and lead abatement.