Our Specialized Chemical Cleaning Group is dedicated to solving the most complex cleaning challenges. With over 75 years of operation, this team of the industry’s most experienced chemical cleaning experts works with the latest technologies to raise the level of cleanliness while lowering overall cleaning times. Reactive and non-reactive chemistry coupled with multiple delivery systems including fill and soak, circulation, vapor phase, foam, fill and drain, and air agitation, provide superior results in a variety of process equipment. Since 2012, HPC Industrial has invested millions to ensure we continue to be the top supplier in the nation and abroad.
No matter what your industry, when you consult the expertise of our Chemical Cleaning Group, the chances of reducing your overall project cost are greatly improved. HPC Industrial’s experience in developing and administering special cleaning solvents for applications throughout a variety of industries is documented with numerous case histories. Whether cleaning complex industrial turbines, making vessels safe for personnel entry or simple cosmetic cleaning, we have the experience to make your next cleaning project your best one.
This is possible because HPC Industrial maintains a state-of-the-art chemical research facility designed specifically to customize cleaning solutions for most any industrial cleaning project. But more than our facilities, it is our experience that keeps HPC Industrial positioned as a leader in chemical cleaning. The rapid response of local branch supervisors as well as HPC Industrial’s highly trained mobile professionals, available from all across the U.S., ensure job efficiency every time.